The KASA Quartet, 1st Prize Winners at the 2017 Coltman Chamber Music Competition Collegiate Division. Photo credit: Austin Chamber Music Center.
Please press the play button above to hear the recorded broadcast, which aired on Sunday, September 3 at 5:00 p.m.
KMFA is proud to present a special Listen Local broadcast of this year’s Coltman Competition winners. The second in this two-part series will be aired at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday September 3, with 2017’s Collegiate Division winners, featuring the KASA String Quartet, the Stentorian Saxophone Quartet, the Eos Saxophone Sextet, the Invoke String Quartet, and the Orphic Saxophone Quartet.
Named after Austin Chamber Music Center founder, Felicity Coltman, the Coltman Chamber Music Competition provides performance experience and expert commentary to advanced chamber ensembles along with cash prizes, scholarships and performance opportunities. The competition began locally in 2010, reaching extraordinary middle and high school ensembles from Austin and surrounding areas. The competition has since grown, and features junior and collegiate levels.
Join KMFA’s Jeffrey Blair for this special Listen Local broadcast of the Coltman Competition, Sunday September 3 at 5:00 p.m.
This broadcast is part of KMFA's Listen Local series. This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department, the Still Water Foundation, Estes Audiology Hearing Centers, and Tito's Handmade Vodka.