
Portrait of Pope Leo X and his cousins by Raphael [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Today's program explores two terrific new releases: Secular music by Arnold and Hugo de Lantins (c.1420-30) performed by Le Miroir de Musique, and 'The Lion's Ear', which presents music from the court of Pope Leo X, born Giovanni de Medici, performed by La Morra.
- He, compaignons (Dufay). Performed by Currende, from 'Vous ou le Mort'.
- From 'Secular music by Arnold and Hugo de Lantins', performed by Le Miroir de Musique: Un seul confort (Hugo), Las, pouray je mon martire celer (Arnold), Amour servir et honnourer (Arnold), Ce jour de l'an, belle, je vous supply (Arnold), Chanter ne scay ce poyse moy (Hugo), Tota pulchra es amica mea (Arnold), Grant ennuy m'est, tres douce simple et coye (Hugo).
- From 'The Lion's Ear', performed by La Morra: Opening and closing music: [Rostibolli] Gioioso (Piacenza?), Spem in alium (anon or Pope Leo X?], Quid retribuam tibi, Leo? (Isaac), Cela sans plus (Pope Leo X), Salve, Regina (Josquin des Prez).
- Heinrich Isaac: Optime pastor. Performed by The Tallis Scholars.