Portrait of Claudio Monteverdi by Bernardo Strozzi (c. 1630). Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Claudio Monteverdi was born 450 years ago this month (baptized on May 15, 1567 in Cremona). Let's celebrate with madrigals and sacred works, performed by the Taverner Consort, Choir, and Players, and La Poème Harmonique! All the music on today's show was composed by Claudio Monteverdi!
- Damigella, tutta bella. Performed by Stephan MacLeod & Maria Cristina Kiehr, with Concerto Soave. Si dolce e l'tormento. Performed by Marco Beasley & Accordone.
- Magnificat from Vespro della beata Vergine. Performed by the Taverner Consort, Choir, & Players.
- 2 contrafacta (madrigals given sacred texts): O gloriosa Martyr & O Jesu mia Vita. Performed by La Poème Harmonique.
- Kyrie from Missa in Illo Tempore. Performed by Odhecaton.
- O ciechi, ciechi & Dixit Dominus primo (from Selva Morale e Spirituale). Performed by Cantus Cölln.
- From L'Incoronazione di Poppea: Pur ti miro. Performed by Susie LeBlanc, Derek Lee Ragin & Stephen Stubbs.