
Illumination from the 'Liber Scivias' showing Hildegard of Bingen receiving a vision and dictating to her secretary, c. 1150. Public domain via Wikimedia commons.
Music from medieval Germany, from the sublime to the sensual! Per-Sonat, Sequentia, and the Clemencic Consort perform pieces from Carmina Burana, and ecstatic visions from Hildegard of Bingen.
- Unter der Linden (poem by Walther von der Vogelweide) & Nachtanz im Wiener Hofton. Performed by Sabine Lutzenberger and Per-Sonat.
- From 'Lost Songs of a Rhineland Harper' featuring Benjamin Bagby and Sequentia: Felix qui potuit boni, David reges inclita proles, Puella turbata (instrumental), Suavissima nunna.
- Hildegard of Bingen: Responsorium 'O vis aeternitatis', performed by Sequentia. Antiphon 'Aer enim volat' (instrumental) & Responsorium 'O lucidissima Apostolorum turba'. Performed by Sabine Lutzenberger and Baptiste Romain.
- From 'Carmina Burana', performed by the Clemencic Consort: Ave nobilis venerabilis Maria, Nomen a solempnibus, & Bacche, bene venies (closing music).